Celebrating National Moth Week With a Good Book

National Moth Week is coming up next week, July 19-27, 2014. Why celebrate moths? Because, as the website mentions, moths are numerous, diverse and successful, yet often ignored.

How Does a Caterpillar Become a Butterfly?: And Other Questions about Butterflies (Good Question!) by Melissa Stewart and illustrated by Annie Patterson would be a perfect book to pull out and read for National Moth Week.

Why a book about butterflies for moth week? Although moths and butterflies are not the same, many of the details in this book about the caterpillars and about metamorphosis overlap between the two. Also, Stewart includes detailed information about how a butterfly is different than a moth on page 24, with a gorgeous photograph of a luna moth to accompany it. The last reason is that people are more likely to relate to day-flying butterflies than to cryptic moths, so many more books are written about butterflies. Books like this one, that mention both, help children realize that moths are important, too.

Interested in learning more? There’s a longer review at Wrapped in Foil blog and an updated list of children’s books about moths and butterflies at Science Books for Kids.